The Rules of Publication

  1. Fides Law Journal is published twice a year (June - December).
  2. The studies submitted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication.
  3. Although the written language of the journal is Turkish, foreign language studies are also included in the journal.
  4. Each study should include a short abstract of at least 150 words in Turkish and English. Turkish and English abstracts should include a bilingual title and five keywords each.
  5. Manuscripts should be sent to the editorial office via e-mail. In the submitted manuscripts, the author's name, institutional information, ORCID numbers and e-mail address should be clearly and accurately stated.
  6. At the end of each work, there should be a bibliography in accordance with the rules specified below, and the sources used should be shown in footnotes.
  7. It is accepted that the authors have made the final checks of the manuscripts they have submitted and have consented to the submission of the manuscript for publication in this way.
  8. Studies deemed suitable for publication in the preliminary evaluation to be made by the editorial board are sent to at least two referees for review. Unless otherwise stated by the author, all articles are peer-reviewed.
  9. Manuscripts whose referee reports are not sent in due time are published in the next issue unless the author requests otherwise.
  10. Articles submitted to Fides Law Journal should be prepared according to the following format requirements:
  11. a) The word count limit for the submitted manuscripts is set as minimum 5.000 and maximum 10.000.
  12. b) The general body of the article should be in 12-point font size, footnote and abstract sections should be in 10-point font size Times New Roman font. Manuscripts are written with 1 line spacing, justified to the right and left margins. One character space is left after punctuation marks.
  13. c) Headings in the text should be organised as follows;
  3. Ceza Hukuku – Politika İlişkisi
  4. a) Baskıcı Ceza Hukuku


  1. d) Page numbers are shown in the lower right corner with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3...) starting from the pages containing the text of the article.
  2. e) Footnotes should be used a) to provide additional information and explanations about a concept or subject mentioned in the main text, or b) to provide a reference at the bottom of the page for a direct or indirect citation. Footnotes are numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3...). When referencing a source with a footnote: In the footnote where the source is referenced for the first time, its detailed bibliography is given according to the principles of this guide for the preparation of references. If the same source is referred to in subsequent references, a short title is given in accordance with the following examples;

Single author book:

TANER, Tahir: Ceza Hukuku Umumi Kısım, 3. B., İsmail Akgün Matbaası, İstanbul 1953, s. 65.

Aynı yazara ikinci kez atıf yapıldığında;
TANER, s. 67.

Aynı yazara ait birden fazla esere atıf yapılıyorsa ilk atıfta parantez içerisinde sonradan ne şekilde atıf yapılacağı gösterilir;

TOROSLU, Nevzat: Cürümlerin Tasnifi Bakımından Suçun Hukuki Konusu (Cürümlerin Tasnifi), Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Yay., Ankara 1970, s. 75.

TOROSLU Nevzat: Ceza Hukuku ve Çevre (Ceza Hukuku), Türkiye Çevre Sorunları Vakfı Yay., Ankara 1982, s. 23.

TOROSLU, Cürümlerin Tasnifi, s. 89.

book with two authors:

HAKERİ, Hakan / ÜNVER Yener: Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku Cilt 1, 8. Bası, Adalet Yayınları, İstanbul 2013, s. 321.

Aynı yazarlara ikinci kez atıf yapıldığında;
HAKERİ / ÜNVER, s. 541.


ŞENOCAK, Kemal: “İşletme Personelinin Ayartılması Meselesinin Haksız Rekabet Hükümleri Çerçevesinde (TTK M. 56 Vd.) Değerlendirilmesi”, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C. 50, S. 2, 2001, s. 196.

Electronic resource:

RENGIER, Rudolf: “Abstrakte und potentielle Gefährdungsdelikte im Umweltstrafrecht”,, (erişim tarihi: 19.11.2018).

Book with editor:

HANDL Günther: “Human Rights and Protection of the Environment: A Mildly ‘Revisionist’ View”, Human Rights and the Environment Vol. 1 içinde, Ed. Dinah L. SHELTON, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham 2011, s. 31.

Court Decision:

Yargıtay 15. CD. T. 05.11.2015, 2015/14184 E.-2015/30867 K.

Danıştay 3. D. T.11.03.2010, 2008/2797 E.-2010/713 K.

Anayasa Mahkemesi, T. 07.06.1973, 1973/12 E., 1973/24 K., (R. G. 09.11.1973 / 14707).